Director | Manuelle Blanc |
Author | Manuelle Blanc |
Original score | Stéphanie Blanc & Jérôme Levatois |
Image | Julien Pamart |
Sound | Sylvain Delecroix, Antoine Rodet |
Editing | Agathe Cauvin, Murielle Breton |
Lenght | 52′ |
Format | HDCam, 16/9e |
Versions | French – English – Spanish |
Copyrights | Folamour – ARTE France – 2023 |
Broadcasters | ARTE France / RTVE |
Protagonists :
- Cécile DEBRAY, President of the Museum National Picasso, Paris
- Eugenio CARMONA, art historian, University of Malaga
- Stéphane Guégan, art historian
- Annie Cohen-Solal, Curator of the exhibition “Un étranger nommé Picasso”
- Emmanuelle Polak, historian specialized in the Occupation
- Jean Vigreux, historian of communism
What an amazing destiny Pablo Picasso had ! Fifty years after his death, he remains a sacred monster. His name, synonym of the revolution of modern art of the 20th century, is know throughout the world. However, behind the legend and the myth, a man hides, and an artist, tossed about by the world’s chaos, hesitating between involvement and art’s priority, prey to weaknesses and ambiguities that we can consider retrospectively, without upsetting the genius of his work.